The internet has changed the way in which our world works. It has opened doors to information, people and communication but has unfortunately also opened doors to criminal elements. It is estimated that South Africa loses more than R5.8 billion a year to cybercrime and in 2013, the Norton Report placed South Africa 3rd highest in terms of cybercrime on a list of 24 countries surveyed.
Universities are more at risk from hackers
Universities and higher education institutions (HEIs) play host to cutting edge research. They also have large data repositories containing confidential personal and financial information. This means that HEIs are particularly vulnerable to attack from criminal elements and hackers hoping to get their hands on all that valuable information.
There have been several recent breaches at high-profile universities resulting in both reputational and financial damage to those institutions.
We are here to help
The CSIRT will
- respond to, control and manage computer security incidents and facilitate a speedy and safe resolution,
- ensure the timely investigation and assessment of security incidents
- ensure a return to normal operating conditions on the UCT network should it in any way be affected by a security incident
- speedily notify the UCT senior leadership on campus of serious security incidents
- manage potential risks on campus and prevent the recurrence of incidents on campus,
- provide education and advice on reporting and avoiding risks, and
- announce potential vulnerabilities and threats to hardware and software on campus.