Phishing attacks remain a constant threat. Whether they are sent to large numbers of students and staff or target the systems and services we use daily, ICTS and the UCT Computer Security Incident Response Team are constantly having to address these attacks as they arise.

To help you stay updated on these ongoing threats, we have created a central location that you can check if the IT Helpdesk is aware of a suspicious email that you have received.View a list of the type of phishing tactics that cybercriminals use to access your personal information.
Latest phishing attacks investigated by the UCT CSIRT
- 17 March: an email sent by "Apple Storage <>" titled "Your Apple Storage is On Hold – Don’t Lose Your Data"
- 12 March: an email sent by "Professor Elisabetta Porcu <>" titled "Where Are You?"
- 07 March: an email sent by "Official Apple ID <>" titled "Your ID Account Has Been Limited"
- 06 March: an email sent by "A/Prof David Taylor <>" titled "Where Are You?"
- 04 March: an email sent by "Professor Komala Pillay <>" titled "Where Are You?"
- 03 March: an email sent by "Membership Netflix <>" titled "Your membership has been cancelled"
- 27 February: an email sent by "D.H.L Express <>" titled "Your Electronic Package ZAX1514590ZA is On Hold"
- 25 February: an email sent by "ExpressDelivery <>" titled "Your Order Couldn't Be Delivered – Verify Your Address!" and "Last Chance! Your Order Will Be Returned Soon!"
- 24 February: an email sent by "Team Netflix <>" titled "Don’t Lose Access to Netflix – Important: Payment Decline Notice"
- 21 February: an email sent by "" titled "[Test] - iPhone 16 Pro Max Delivery Pending – Confirm to Receive"
- 19 February: an email sent by "Prof Reza Daniels <>" titled "Are you free?"
- 17 February: an email sent by "Afrihost <>" titled "Your Domain Expired on 02/17/25 – Renew Now to Secure Your Services!"
- 14 February: an email sent by "MAILER-DAEMON <>" titled "undisplayed messages"
- 12 February: an email sent by "Fastway Couriers <>" titled "Your package TZ525SA5008 is on hold at our local post office"
- 11 February: an email sent by "Official Spotify <>" titled "Update Required: Payment Issue on Invoice:SPF5329526"
- 10 February: an email sent by "The Courier Guy <>" titled "The Courier Guy | TCG-ZA-4892357 | Your Package is On Hold"
- 05 February: an email sent by "Service Desk <>" titled "Reminder - Action Required"
- 03 February: an email sent by "South Africa Revenue Service <>" titled "Outstanding Tax Liability"
- 31 January: an email sent by "Official Netflix <>" titled "Your Netflix Account Requires Payment Verification"
- 27 January: an email sent by "noreply <>" titled " Important Update"
- 21 January: an email sent by "R A M Hand to Hand Courier <>" titled "Update: Delivery No.ZA1483805738"
- 17 January: an email sent by "" titled "Where are you?:"
- 14 January: an email sent by "Afrihost <>" titled "Your Domain Name Has Expired! Invoice #4337391!"
- 09 January: an email sent by "CourierlT Delivery <>" titled "Avoid Further Delivery Delays, Unresolved Address Issue."
- 02 January: an email sent by "Investec <>" titled "Update to KYC Process"
- 02 January: An email sent by "RAM Courier <{random_prefix}>" titled "Delivery Postponed until further notice"
- 20 December: An email sent by "DocuSign E-mail <>" titled "Action Required: Review and Sign Your Document on DocuSign"
- 18 December: An email sent by "Courierit Customer Support <>" titled "FW: Your Parcel (Tracking No: ZA: 000152A20) is on Hold - Suspect phishing - will destroy - Doug"
- 12 December: An email sent by Multiple Senders Subject "SARS eFiling IT Assessment (ITA34)"
- 11 December: An email sent by "South African Revenue Service <<>" titled "Important Notification"
- 09 December: An email sent by " <domainscoza**>" titled "Renew Your Hosting Plan to Avoid Service Interruption"
- 29 November: An email sent by "Buhle Mkhize <>" titled "FW: Tender Notice 2024"
- 25 November: An email sent by "Uct HR Department <>" titled "Uct Staff Salary Valuation Report for November 2024"
- 21 November: An email sent by "DHL EXPRESS <>" titled "Second Reminder- Urgent Payment Required for Shipment Delivery"
- 18 November: An email sent by "Afrihost <>" titled "SUBUrgent: Update Your Informations for Enhanced Security"
- 01 November: An email sent by " <>" titled "Notice of Renewals"
- 28 October: An email sent by titled "Reminder: Domain names expire on Monday Octobre 28, 2024.
- 23 October: An email received from <> titled “Pay custom fees to get your package”
- 20 October: An email sent by REDFERN FINANCE" <> titled "Ready to Turn Your Dreams into Reality?"
- 18 October: An email sent by titled "Pay custom fees to get your package"
- 14 October: An email sent by Sharepoint Support <<>> titled "Action required for"
- 14 October: An email sent by from Steve Henry <> titled “Invitation to Submit Abstracts for GCBMS-2024 in Dubai”
- 28 July: an email sent by titled
"GRAND PIANO" - 23 July: an email received from Elizabeth Steve <> titled "Grand Piano" or "Ram couriers"
- 19 July: An email sent by titled “New proposal”
- 16 July: An email received from team <> titled “Mailbox synchronization”
- 1 July: An email sent by A-lert Ram <> with varying titles
- 14 July: An email sent by entitled "Icts-feedback, Please Update Your Payment"
- 26 June: An email received from with varying titles
- 19 June: An email received from NKHANGWELENI MAGARI <> titled “Memo 06/08/2024”
- 6 June: An email received from received from with varying titles
- 20 May: An email received from Новосибирск < titled “tracking”
- 10 May: An email sent by titled "payment Reference (TGF- CCM)"
- 10 April: An email sent by entitled Yamaha Baby Grand Piano Giveaway
- 2 April: an email received from with varying titles
- 27 March: an email received from with varying titles
- 26 March: email received from<> titled “RE: Action Required : Package cannot be delivered to your address”
- 25 March: email received from CourierIT ZA © <> with varying titles
- 1 March: email received from with varying titles
- 26 February: email received from titled “RE: Client #RL001097064
- 20 February: email received from titled “RE: Client #RL001097064”
- 7 February: Beware of phishing emails related to signing documents
- 6 February: an email received from DEPARTMENT OF POLICE << titled “RFQ” but the subject may vary
- 5 September: Beware of phishing email entitled Completed … Invoice & Remittance August 2023
- 22 August: An email sent by <> titled “Your parcel is awaiting delivery !” has been identified as a phishing attempt.
- 18 August: An email received from RAM Hand-to-Hand Couriers <> titled “Reminder : Order N°” has been identified as a phishing attempt.
- 7 August: An email received from titled “RAM - Delivery Notification” has been identified as suspicious.
- 2 August: An email received from Hebrew Atkinson <> titled “Re: About an unclaimed policy” has been identified as a phishing attempt.
- 4 July: An email received from Musa Khanyile <> titled “JULY PURCHASE ORDER” has been identified as a phishing attempt.
- 20 June: An email received from titled “Notice: Ref#974200269” has been identified as a phishing attempt.
- 19 June: An email received from Customer ZA <> titled “Notice: Ref#974200269” has been identified as a phishing attempt.
- 12 June: An email received from Dave Morgan <>, or Dr.Nelson Kelly <> titled “Dr.Nelson Kelly” has been identified as a phishing attempt.
- 6 June: An email received from: titled “Unfortunately , Your Package Delivery Failed” has been identified as a phishing attempt.
- 23 May: An email received from Vincent Matholo <> titled “Important task” has been identified as a whaling phishing attempt.
- 10 May: An email received from titled “RE: Industry List & Conference Attendees Email List-2023” has been identified as a phishing attempt.
- 13 April: An email sent by entitled
SAMDEX 2023 - Postponement to October 2023 - 13 April: An email sent by entitled RAM : Attempt to shipped your items has been failed
- 12 April: An email sent by entitled
New Debit order package - 10 April: An email sent by entitled
NoticeN°896659076ZA - 9 April: an email sent by entitled
Akhona loan - 5 April: an email sent by Post ZA <> entitled Post ZA: Ref#987894104
Dear Customer,
Thank you for choosing us,
Your Package was not delivered because no tax duties were paid.
You must complete the payment of (29,75 R).
Pay tax fees by clicking on the following link.
Send My Package... - 4 April: an email sent by entitled Post ZA: Package REF#93880121
- 4 April: an email sent by entitled
Post ZA: Ref#987894103 - 4 April: an email sent by entitled
Your UCT Email Account password will expire in 2 days. - 1 April: an email sent by Post Office (Azul Esportes) <> entitled Notice N°852290336
Este ticket foi criado em seu nome.
Para adicionar mais comentários, responda a este e-mail.
dear customer
Post office informs you that your shipment N° ZA904951986 is still waiting instructions from you.
Fees to pay 12,99 ZAR
Date 01/04/2023
Payment of postal service bills - 30 March: an email sent by entitled MLCC MFG--cross Murata GQM & GJM ----Elsa
- 29 March: an email sent by Post Office (Optimizers B.V.) <> entitled [Request received] Notice : 758313159 [Ticket: 181621]
Your request (181621) has been received and has been taken into consideration by our employees
If you have any additional remarks to add, please reply to this e-mail
Post Office (App2Track)
Mar 29, 2023, 12:22 GMT+2
Dear customer,
We tried to deliver your package but there is an unpaid customs fee.
Please confirm the payment of the shipping costs by following the instructions below:
Follow Here
Thank you for the trust you place in us and we strive to always be your best
Met vriendelijke groet,
Post Office
T: +31 (0)88 303 5733 | E: | W:
- 22 February: An email sent by Post Office ZA | E-commerce (Delivery) <> entitled Notice n°429222987ZA
Post Office ZA | E-commerce (Alfinet)
22 de fev. de 2023 04:37 BRT
Dear customer,
We tried to deliver your package but there is an unpaid customs fee.
Please confirm the payment of the shipping costs by following the instructions below:
Follow Here
Thank you for the trust you place in us and we strive to always be your best
- 24 March: an email sent by entitled RE: Looking for a loan??
- 24 March: an email sent by entitled
The Advanced Budgeting and Forecasting NQF-04 Course 2023 - 15 March: an email sent by entitled
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION - 13 March: an email sent by entitled
good day - 10 March: An email sent by entitled
Your Card will be suspended - 10 March: An email sent by entitled
MultiChoice DStv Explora World Wide Reference Code Number: IS20/70901259547 - 8 March: An email sent by entitled
Congrat Bill/Gate - 8 March: An email entitled entitled
Special Offer @ 5% Fixed Interest Rate* - 6 March: An email sent by entitled
WTS !!! - 6 March: An email sent by entitled
INQUIRY - 4 March: An email sent by entitled
Do you have any big plans for the Weekend? - 3 March: An email sent by entitled
3m/6m/12m GP Containers for Sale - 28 February: An email sent by entitled
Yоu hаvе а расkаgе thаt nееds to bе dеlivегеd - 24 February: An email sent by entitled
FWD:Notification! - 24 February: An email sent by entitled FWD:Notification!
- 23 February: An email sent by entitled
How can it be possible to become a supplier of your company? - 20 February: An email sent by Post Office za <> entitled “Your Package N°23796252828725564501ZA is on Hold ! 06:39:52 PM” has been identified as a Phishing attempt.
- 20 February: An email sent by WC:Prov Auxilary Services:Mateza SB- Lt Col <> entitled Solver Property Services
131.5 KB
Payment Proof-(POP1).pdf
29.5 KB
Receipt of Farm Purchase.pdf
120.3KBAttached Documents
Solver Property Services
Portfolio Administrator
For and on behalf of the PM Team (Support structure to PM)
- 11 February: An email sent by Customer ZA <> entitled Post ZA: Ref#987894109
Dear Customer,
Thank you for choosing us,
Your Package was not delivered because no customs duties were paid.
You must complete the payment of (29,75 R).
Pay customs fees by clicking on the following link.
Send My Package...Note: Our TEAM services send messages minutes after you finish the payment.
- 8 February: An email sent by Microsoft Account <> entitled Security Info Replacement contained the following
Microsoft account
Security Info Replacement
Someone started a process to replace all of the security info for the Microsoft account.If this was you, click the button below to bypass the waiting period by using your existing security info.
This was meIf this wasn't you, someone else might be trying to take over. Click here and we'll help you protect this account.
If you don't recognize the Microsoft account, you can Click here to remove your email address from that account.
The Microsoft account team - 6 February: An email sent by Customer ZA <> entitled Post ZA:: Ref#987894103 has been identified as a phishing attempt.
- 3 February: An email sent from Jeffery Hoffmann <> entitled Re: Jeffery contained the following information:
I have an urgent proposal for you, email me jefferyhoffmann6023@gmail.comWaiting for your responds
- 30 January: An email sent from South African Post Office <> entitled “Your parcel could not be delivered because no customs duties were paid ” has been identified as a phishing attempt.
- 26 January: An email sent by Lim Fun <> entitled Did you receive my last email, contained the following:
I had sent you an e-mail which was unanswered , can you please confirm if this email address is still active and please kindly get back to me todayKind Regards.
- 25 January: A spear phishing email was sent by <> pretending to be an Executive Director at UCT. The email entitled FW: Important task contained the following: ᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀᴛ ᴡᴏʀᴋ? ʟᴇᴛ ᴍᴇ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟ ᴡʜᴀᴛsᴀᴘᴘ ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ, ɪ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴏɴ ᴀ ᴛᴀsᴋ ᴜʀɢᴇɴᴛʟʏ.
- 24 January: Email received from ZA Customer <> entitled Post ZA: Package REF#52779010
- 23 January:
- Email received from UCT Admin <> entitled Your UCT Email Account password will RESET in 2 days as a phishing attempt
- Email received from entitled “Baby grand piano” as a phishing attempt
- Email received from DEVESTELE JESSICA <> entitled RE: UCT NEW PAYROLL ADJUSTMENT!!!! as a phishing attempt
- 18 January: Email received from entitled "Hello or Re: Hello"
- 17 January: Email sent by State Treasury Law Firm <> entitled “I await your response”
- 13 January: Email received during the festive season from using various subject lines
- 9 January: Email sent by david owies <> entitled “Notice_Of_Payment or
- 28 December:
- From: Postoffice <
- From: Ram Hand-To-Hand-Couriers
- 28 November: from entitled “RE: SAPO is informing you with....”
- 3 November: from ram hand to hand couriers < entitled “Your Parcel Number RL001097064 is on the way"
- 3 October: from Kukkuk,Emsie (GPDRT) <> entitled “Office-PO”
- 27 September:
- 16 September: from entitled “Health Survey no. CDC/404890”
- 23 August: from entitled “RE: B2B Email Lists-2022” as Inbound Spam
- 22 August: from entitled “RE : B2B Email List -2022” as Inbound Spam
- 19 August: from entitled “Scholars at Risk 2022-Attendees list” as Inbound Spam.
- 15 August: from south african Post office <> as a Phishing attempt
View more phishing attacks that were doing the rounds on campus
Latest security vulnerabilities affecting software/systems used at UCT
View the latest security advisories
Report it
If you receive such a phishing email, please do not respond to the sender, instead send the message to the IT Helpdesk ( for investigation.
Steps to follow if you're using Outlook Web App
- Navigate to and log on with your UCT staff/student number and password.
- Open a new email message.
- Drag and drop the suspicious email in the message you created.
- Enter in the To field. Enter any additional information and click Send.
Instructions to follow when using the Outlook desktop client
- Select the email you want to forward, then go to the Home/Message tab.
- In the Respond group, select
More Respond Actions.
- Select Forward as Attachment.
- In the To field, enter the email address
- Click Send.
Useful security tips
To protect yourself against becoming phishing bait, be sure to follow these recommendations:
- Don't ever reply to emails, messages, or calls that request personal information – especially usernames and passwords.
- NEVER share your password or PIN with anyone – not even an ICTS representative, or representatives of your bank, mobile network, or other service providers.
- Ensure your passwords are complex by using a phrase, different languages or numbers, and symbols in place of letters.
- Ensure your anti-virus, operating system, software, browsers and apps are always up to date. McAfee Web Control checks and blocks sites that have a bad reputation. Ensure that you run this feature on your desktop so that you limit the number of suspicious websites that you visit.
- Do not open attachments unless you can verify the sender and the nature of the attachment.
- Don't open emails of unknown origin.
- Don't click on links in emails if you cannot recognise where the link directs you.
- Re-check links before clicking Search.
- Don't reply to spammers asking them to remove you from their mailing list. Replying just confirms your email address as valid, which encourages them to send you more spam.
- Please check the announcements on the ICTS and CSIRT websites for the latest alerts. If your suspicious email differs to the one in the announcement, please report it to the IT Helpdesk at You can report any other cybersecurity issues to the CSIRT at
- If something feels phishy, trust your gut and avoid the message or action. Report it to the IT Helpdesk